28 July 2012

sketchbook: Gir-eleph-ion...?

This was a fun one.  I basically had a list of creatures, rolled a dice 3 times and created a creature out of 3 others.

good exercise.

26 July 2012


Some more acrylic, this time mostly washes.  I used a ground that was black/white/yellow, and then put in my highlights, then a skin tone wash, then more highlights, and more colors, then highlights, etc.  

23 July 2012

A sketchbook post

A few other portraits.  I think the charcoal one is one of my better charcoal works.  I was pretty happy with it.  the acrylic was fun as I tried to stay super loose.  Im beginning to see where I go wrong in portraits, and I'm pretty excited for these realization and learning experiences.  hopefully I can keep them in mind as I do others in the future!  everything about the face is a challenge!

16 July 2012

sketchbook post!

I just wanted to post a couple sketchbook pages.  I am on a quest to do 100 portraits.  so this one is of a guy on google images that I thought would be cool to do because of the textures of his beard.

acrylic ground and white charcoal

 this one was me trying to figure out what to draw.  I was inspired by my messy shelves

watercolor pencils and ballpoint pen

06 July 2012

Suspend (Illustration Friday)

Here is this week's illustration.  I sort of spent all day on it off and on.  oops.  I didn't intend to, i was just learning lots of stuff and got carried away.

I suppose that is good for me.  I really like the way this turned out.  I used a really limited pallet that I chose from a gamut mask I created.  I think it worked pretty well! yay!

I titled it "Diving for Cookies"  because who wouldn't?